Department Structure

Monitoring and Analysis Division

Key functions:

- performs the functions of the National Focal Point of the European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction in Lithuania;

- coordinates and evaluates the progress of the implementation of the National Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control and Use Prevention Programme 2018–2028 and coordinates it's implementation;

- collects, compares and analyses the national drug, tobacco and alcohol situation (demand, supply and harm reduction) through factual data collected from institutions, traditional and innovative research, drug monitoring information network experts, pilot projects;

- provides suggestions and insights on effective, comprehensive, balanced and evidence-based drug, tobacco and alcohol control and use prevention policy-making;

- coordinates international cooperation and performs the functions of national drug coordinator.

Tobacco and Alcohol Control Division

Key functions:

-surveillance, monitoring and control of alcohol and tobacco products market;

-coordination and sharing of good practices between authorities executing control functions;

-education, consultation and supervision of the entities engaged in the activities related to tobacco products and alcohol products

Drugs and Drug Precursors Control Division

Key functions:

-to ensure, that precursors of narcotic and psychotropic substances do not enter to the illicit trade and do not used for the narcotic and psychotropic substances production;

-to organize the risk assessment of the dangerous new psychoactive substances which are unpredictable for human health;

-to ensure the supervision and control of the substances which are used for the purposes of industry but also abused for intoxication purposes (e. g. GBL, laughing gas).

Licensing Division

Key functions:

-the issuance of licenses, permits, certificates (22 types in total) for the production and wholesale of alcohol products and tobacco products, activities with ethyl alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances precursors ensures that  only companies of good repute carry out these activities, also licensing is a measure of reducing the availability of tobacco and alcohol products;

-monitoring and evaluation of data received on the common European Commission registration portal EU-CEG ensures that tobacco products, novel tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and their refills containers placed on the Lithuanian market are safe and meet the established requirements; Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department – National authority of the European Commission EU-CEG Common Registration Portal.;

-monitoring and coordination of licensing actions by municipalities;

-legislative initiatives.

Prevention Coordination Division

Key functions:

-responsible for implementation of European drug prevention quality standards (EDPQS);

-coordination of the international early intervention programme based on scientific data throughout Lithuania;

-implementation of prevention measures on the internet, including the social media, for different target groups (websites for parents; youth; smokers who want to quit);

-conducting research to develop and increase the availability of evidence-based prevention measures.

Activity Management Division

- Implements the Department's policy on personnel management and human resources development;

- Ensures proper implementation of procedures for management, preparation, processing, storage and control of documents regulating the internal activities of the Department;

- Ensures the rational and economical use of the Department's funds and assets, proper execution of public procurement procedures;

- Organizes and ensures appropriate working conditions for the employees of the Department necessary for the performance of their functions.

Last updated: 18-11-2023